What is argillaceous dolomite
Classification of Sedimentary Rocks University of Kansas
Argillaceous Feldspathic Sandstone Loess: fine sand or silt Massive porous, coherent Especially quartz, chert, or quartzite Also shale or limestone Homogeneous conglomerates and breccias constituents Mixed conglomerates and breccias2023年11月1日 Dolomites from alkaline brackish lakes mainly occur in lakecenter deposits, including the lithofacies of laminated analcimic dolomites, albitic dolomites, dolomitic Lacustrine dolomite in deep time: What really matters in early Postcompactional latestage ferroan dolomite commonly occurs as 1) finely disseminated rhombic microspar in argillaceous lime mudstone, 2) sparry cement within voids in argillaceous Dolomite from clay in argillaceous or shaleassociated marine 2015年11月1日 The argillaceous dolomite in the area have excellent hydrocarbon potential owing to the better organic matter preservation conditions In shallow to semideep lake The formation environment and developmental models of
Geochemical characteristics and organic matter accumulation of
2021年6月1日 Based on the data of coring wells in the study area, it is found that the argillaceous dolomite series (complex lithologic profile dominated by argillaceous dolomite) is 2022年3月16日 Matrix dolomites mainly include argillaceous dolomite (M1), microcrystalline dolomites (M2), and finecrystalline dolomites (M3) from the restricted and tidal flat face and tend to be mainly microcrystalline to fine Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of the Lower 2024年7月16日 The lithology is dominated by argillaceous dolomite, fine silty crystalline dolomite crystalline dolomite in the O1m3 5 O 1 m 5 3 formation, and dolomite mainly developed during O1m2 5 O 1 m 5 2 the period (Cao et al, Pore structure characteristics and influencing factors of 2015年11月1日 Coals developed in the Oligocene Yacheng and Lingshui formations in the Qiongdongnan Basin have high organic matter abundance, and the dark mudstones in the two The formation environment and developmental models of
Geochemical characteristics and organic matter accumulation of
2021年6月1日 Organic carbon isotopic analysis is a significant approach for oilsource correlation, yet organic carbon isotopic behavior during oil expulsion from saline lacustrine 2014年10月7日 In this paper, we propose a classification of argillaceous rocks based on their textural characteristics Three main components of the classification scheme are the clastic A textural classification of argillaceous rocks and their durabilityArgillaceous rocks with their interstitial fluids are important indicators of postsedimentary transformations limonite, hydrated hematite), pyrite, calcite, dolomite, ankerite, and from sulfides and sulfates, from dehydroxylation of amphiboles and micas, and gas from chemical interactions between organic matter, iron oxides, and waterArgillaceous Rock an overview ScienceDirect TopicsDOI: 101016/JFUEL201706056 Corpus ID: ; Quantitative characterization on shalehosted oil reservoir: A case study of argillaceous dolomite reservoir in the Jianghan BasinQuantitative characterization on shalehosted oil reservoir: A case
The formation environment and developmental models of argillaceous
2015年11月1日 @article{Li2015TheFE, title={The formation environment and developmental models of argillaceous dolomite in the Xingouzui Formation, the Jianghan Basin}, author={Wenhao Li and Shuangfang Lu and Haitao Xue and Pengfei Zhang and Shiqiang Wu}, journal={Marine and Petroleum Geology}, year={2015}, volume={67}, pages= {692700 Dolomite is an important petroleum reservoir, and occurs as a gangue mineral with lead–zinc sulphide ores (see Mining silica, lime, silicate clays, and most other minerals Laterites are red and argillaceous in appearance, but often possess a nodular pisolitic texture They are often termed ferricrete (etymologically, although not Dolomite (Mineral) an overview ScienceDirect TopicsAge: Early Ordovician Period Distribution: Northern Arkansas, Ozark Plateaus; southeastern Missouri Geology: The Powell Dolomite is generally a finegrained, lightgray to greenishgray, limy, argillaceous dolostone with thin beds of shale, sandstone, sandy dolostone, and occasionally chert In the lower half of the formation a dark massive ledge with abundant drusy quartz has Ordovician period of the Ozark Plateaus in ArkansasDOI: 101016/JFUEL201604140 Corpus ID: ; Microscopic pore structure in shale reservoir in the argillaceous dolomite from the Jianghan Basin @article{Li2016MicroscopicPS, title={Microscopic pore structure in shale reservoir in the argillaceous dolomite from the Jianghan Basin}, author={Wenhao Li and Shuangfang Lu and Haitao Xue and Pengfei Zhang and Ying Microscopic pore structure in shale reservoir in the argillaceous
Numerical simulation of water alternating gas flooding (WAG)
2021年5月13日 Recently, special attention has been drawn to the highsalt argillaceous dolomite reservoir in Jianghan basin, China due to its abundant oil resources with complex geological conditions However, the current production methods used to develop this reservoir are not efficient with low throughput Hence, the purpose of this paper is to explore the main possible 2010年10月1日 Dolomite crystals are anhedral in shape especially when finely crystalline (> 10 µm) with no relics of the original fabric Another special form of dolomite in this microfacies is coarser crystalline (10–20 μm), euhedral dolomite mosaics showing considerable amounts of moldic to microvugular porosity Dolomitization and porosity evaluation of the1532 TX Diagrams are (Almost) the Same as PT Diagrams 159 Example of a TX diagram with four reactions and an invariant point; this chapter contains many phase diagrams – these and other diagrams in this chapter were generated using the winTWQ program (Berman 1991) Reactions and reaction lines intersect and behave the same in TX diagrams as they do in PT 15 Metamorphism of Calcareous Rocks – Open Petrology2021年6月1日 Geochemical characteristics and organic matter accumulation of argillaceous dolomite in a saline lacustrine basin: A case study from the paleogene xingouzui formation, Jianghan Basin, China Author links open overlay panel Qiqi Li a, Shang Xu b, Fang Hao b, Zhiguo Shu c, Fengling Chen c, Yongchao Lu a, Shiqiang Wu c, Liang Zhang cGeochemical characteristics and organic matter accumulation
Classification of Rocks with Examples –
The word Argil means clay Hence, the rocks in which clay content is predominant are called argillaceous rocks These rocks are soft in nature and with the presence of water they can be crumbled easily In the dry state, these rocks Grey chunks of graptolitic argillite on Pakri Peninsula, Estonia; yellowish and white chunks are limestone Argillite (/ ˈ ɑːr dʒ ɪ l aɪ t /) is a finegrained sedimentary rock composed predominantly of indurated clay particles Argillite Wikipedia2022年1月1日 More than half of the world’s carbonate reservoirs of in oil and gas in carbonate rocks are associated with dolomite In North America, more than 80 % of the oil and gas reserves in carbonate rocks are in dolomite reservoirs (Qing, 2001)China is one of the few countries in the world where dolomite is distributed in almost every geological agePetrography, geochemistry and genesis of dolomites in the It is indispensable to give a simple historical review of the progress realized in the study of the clay geology and especially in the understanding of the genesis of clay minerals This history is intimately linked with that of clay mineralogy which perfects theArgillaceous Rocks SpringerLink
Porosity Enhancement Potential through Dolomite Mineral
2019年5月17日 Shale oil has been found in the argillaceous dolomite reservoir of the Paleogene Xingouzui Formation in the Jianghan Basin However, the shale oil storage mechanism in these rocks remains unclear, considering that increasing attention has been paid to shales instead of argillaceous dolomites This article illustrated the microscopic pore structure and distribution of Dolomite also serves as an oil and gas reservoir rock During the conversion of calcite to dolomite, a volume reduction occurs This can produce pore spaces in the rock that can be filled with oil or natural gas that migrate in as they are released from other rock units This makes the dolomite a reservoir rock and a target of oil and gas drillingDolomite Mineral Uses and Properties GeologyDOI: 101016/JMARPETGEO2021 Corpus ID: ; Geochemical characteristics and organic matter accumulation of argillaceous dolomite in a saline lacustrine basin: A case study from the paleogene xingouzui formation, Jianghan Basin, ChinaGeochemical characteristics and organic matter accumulation of FIGURE 313 Lithology and sedimentology of the studied Upper Muschelkalk succession (A) Marlstone–limestone alternations with thick bioclastic/intraclastic limestone bed (storm bed) at the base and thickeningupward cycle above Hammer (circled) for scale (B) Top of a bioclastic limestone bed showing a thin micrite layer (with meiobenthic trace fossils), as well as an Marl an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Study on Dolomite Thin Layers and Nodules in the Qingshankou
2023年5月9日 Three types of layers and nodules can be seen in the core and thin sections: the first is composed of very pure micrite, powdery calcite, or dolomite (dolomite greater than 90%); the second are argillaceous dolomite thin layers or nodules (dolomite content of approximately 75–90%); and the third is a highly impure dolomite thin layer (dolomite content between 50–75%)2020年5月18日 Sandy dolomite and dolomite have alternating bright and dark bands on static maps, while argillaceous dolomite has more dark bands than sandy dolomite The bright and dark bands of dolomitic mudstone are relatively disordered, showing dark spots Compared with dolomite, limestone has a distinct striped pattern and is mostly thinly beddedLithology identification and reservoir characteristics of the mixed Dolomite and limestone zones are highlighted on the basis of Pe values Figure 3b Back projection of the polygons shown in Figure 3a on the well curves It is noticed that the direction of the dotted blue line shows the effect of porosity in Characterization of the dolomite reservoirs with the DOI: 101016/jgeoen2024 Corpus ID: ; Difference of hydrocarbon generation between argillaceous dolomite and mudstone and its influence on oil source: A case study of the Es4 in the Leijia area, Liaohe depressionDifference of hydrocarbon generation between argillaceous dolomite
Marl Wikipedia
Marl Scala dei Turchi coastal marl formation, southern Sicily Marl is an earthy material rich in carbonate minerals, clays, and siltWhen hardened into rock, this becomes marlstoneIt is formed in marine or freshwater environments, often through the activities of algae Marl makes up the lower part of the cliffs of Dover, and the Channel Tunnel follows these marl layers between Postcompactional latestage ferroan dolomite commonly occurs as 1) finely disseminated rhombic microspar in argillaceous lime mudstone, 2) sparry cement within voids in argillaceous carbonates, and 3) sparry cement within carbonates adjacent to marine shalesDolomite from clay in argillaceous or shaleassociated marine 2023年9月28日 Dolomite particles enhance the early hydration process and create a compact microstructure in the concrete By calcining argillaceous and calcareous material at a high temperature in cement (PDF) Dolomite Powder in Concrete: A Review of ResearchGateThese members are the Spects Ferry, an argillaceous limestone, [2] argillaceous dolomite, [3] Calcareous shale and argillaceous limestones [4] The Galena Group is also a formation of the Sinnipee Group It is primarily made of Limestone and is deposited on the Decorah Shale The Galena Group is considered fossiliferousSinnipee Group Wikipedia
Alkali Carbonate Reaction (ACR): Investigations on Mechanism of
2024年5月4日 For argillaceous dolomitic limestones, some of the dolomite crystals were found to be covered by 052μm thick layer of a MgAlSi phase, and the dolomite crystals wrapped by this MgAlSi phase did not undergo the dedolomitization reaction, while the dolomite without such a layer shows obvious dedolomitization reaction2023年9月21日 Due to its poor hydrophysical properties and other characteristics, argillaceous dolomite is susceptible to seepage failure under high water pressure, affecting the seepage stability of a rock mass To ensure the safety of the project, when the argillaceous dolomite is present, it is necessary to study the conditions pertaining to its seepage failurePermeability Tests and Numerical Simulation of Argillaceous Dolomite A sedimentary rock composed of claygrade particles; ie, composed of minute mineral fragments and crystals less than 0002 mm in diameter; containing much colloidalsize material In addition to finely divided detrital matter, argillaceous rocks consist essentially of illite, montmorillonite, kaolinite, gibbsite, and diaspore Ref: CMDDefinition of argillaceous rock mindat2024年8月1日 The aspect ratio of argillaceous dolomite and calcareous dolomite in the figure shows the characteristics of low aspect ratio, which is due to the mineral composition considered by the model line is the average value of dolomite samples, indicating that the elastic properties of rocks are the result of multiple factorsRock physical characteristics of deep dolomite under complex
DolomiteBased Concrete: A comprehensive review on
2024年5月17日 Dolomite is an anhydrous rock that resists weathering well and has a variety of compositions depending on where it is found Dolomite being extracted from the mining while dolomite powder (DP) emerges as industrial waste primarily from the pulverization and processing of dolomite rock during extraction and production processes as shown in the Fig 12021年6月1日 Shale oil resources have been discovered in argillaceous dolomite in the Lower Member of Paleogene Xingouzui Formation (LXF) of the Jianghan Basin, opening up a new field of shale oil exploration and development Previous studies have mainly focused on the evaluation of reservoir quality, but the research on the enrichment mechanisms of organic matter (OM) in Geochemical characteristics and organic matter accumulation of 2024年7月16日 Argillaceous dolomite is a dark gray, massive dolomite with predominantly 5 μm–20 μmsized crystals, occasionally exhibiting horizontal bedding and microfracture The mineral composition consists mainly of micrite dolomite and argillaceous material, with the localized presence of gypsum Pore structure characteristics and influencing factors of dolomite Question: Specific gravity information on an argillaceous dolomite is desired It weighs 250 g in the dry state, 259 g when saturated (surface dried), and 144 g when saturated and weighed in water (a) What is the bulk specific gravity; bulk specific gravity, saturated surface dried; apparent specific gravity; and absorption of the rock?Solved Specific gravity information on an argillaceous Chegg
Sandstone Composition, Properties, Formation, Uses Geology
2023年11月24日 Chemical Composition of sandstone usually quartz framework grains are the dominant mineral in clastic sedimentary rocksBecause of they have exceptional physical properties such as hardness and chemical stabilityPhyscial properties of these quartz grains survive multiple recycling events and also allowing the grains to display some degree of roundingShale: Shale breaks into thin pieces with sharp edges It occurs in a wide range of colors that include red, brown, green, gray, and black It is the most common sedimentary rock and is found in sedimentary basins worldwideShale: Sedimentary Rock Pictures, Definition MoreThe Mayville dolomite, the oldest Silurian bed in the Waukesha area, is a thickbedded (~26m), vuggy dolomite with cherty intervals and argillaceous dolomite or mudstone at the base (Kluessendorf Mikulic, 1994) The Mayville correlates with the Kankakee dolomite (Plaines Member) (Kluessendorf Mikulic, 1994)Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Madison2022年8月26日 Main lithofacies characteristics of the lower member of Xingouzui Formation (A) Massive argillaceous dolomite, well CY1, 264783 m (B) Bedded argillaceous dolomite, well CY1, 270200 m (C) Laminated argillaceous dolomite well CY1, 270469 m (D) Bedded dolomitic mudstone, well CY1, 263570 m (E) Silty mudstone, well CY1, 271930 m (F) Glauberite Lithofacies Characteristics, Depositional Environment and