HOME→State Council's decision on accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries
State Council's decision on accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries
State Council's Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation
2010年12月2日 The cultivation and development of strategic emerging industry shall be accelerated to establish the new superiority for international competition and grasp the priority 2010年10月10日 以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,把握世界新科技革命和产业革命的历史机遇,面向经济社会发展的重大需求,把加快培育和发展战略 State Council’s decision on accelerating the cultivation and Strategic emerging industries are an important force guiding future economic and social development Accelerating the development of strategic emerging industries is an important Development Strategy of Emerging Industries (2035) 工程 BEIJING, Sept 20 China's State Council is mulling efforts to advance new industrialization at a faster pace, according to a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Qiang on China mulls speeding up new industrialization State Council
Basic Research and the Development of Strategic
2024年11月11日 In September 2010, the State Council decided to accelerate the fostering and development of strategic emerging industries History shows that the rise of ST industries 2022年4月23日 In 2010, the State Council issued the “Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries” It defined the strategic emerging Evaluation of financing efficiency of strategic emerging industries 2022年3月1日 In 2010, the Chinese central government promulgated “Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries Connecting emerging industry and regional innovation system2022年3月4日 Strategic emerging industries were first proposed in The State Council Strategic Emerging Industries Development Symposium in 2009, and then in 2010, The State Council’s Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation and Strategic emerging industry layout based on
China's State Council stresses accelerating development of
2023年5月5日 China's State Council has deliberated and adopted a guideline on accelerating the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, according to a State Council executive 2021年3月5日 China will focus on the development of strategic emerging industries including information technology, biotech and new energy, according to the draft outline of the 14th five China to develop strategic emerging industries State Council 2024年1月23日 Strategic emerging industries; Modern service industry; Industrial integration; Input‐ output approach 1 Introduction The State Council issued the "On accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic Emerging Industries The Decision on Accelerating the Cultivatio n and Development of StrategicStudy on the Integration of Strategic Emerging 2022年3月4日 Literature review Strategic emerging industries were first proposed in The State Council Strategic Emerging Industries Development Symposium in 2009, and then in 2010, The State Council’s Decision on Strategic emerging industry layout based on
An Empirical Study on the Technological Development
2023年2月19日 China’s State Council promulgated the ‘Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries’ (hereinafter refers to as the X Yang (B) X Gu Y Wang Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu , People’s Republic of China email: cathyscu@sina X Gu Y Wang2023年5月5日 China's State Council has deliberated and adopted a guideline on accelerating the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, according to a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Qiang on Friday Work should be done to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, as well as the cultivation and China's State Council stresses accelerating development of 2021年3月5日 China will focus on the development of strategic emerging industries including information technology, biotech and new energy, according to the draft outline of the 14th fiveyear plan (20212025) for national economic and social development and the longrange objectives through the year 2035 unveiled on March 5China to develop strategic emerging industries State Council 2016年12月19日 The State Council has issued a circular for the development of strategic emerging industries in the next five years New enterprises in the information technology, biology and new energy boomed during the 12th fiveyear plan period, gaining a competitive edge in the international marketChina issues plan to develop strategic emerging industries
Strategic emerging industry layout based on analytic
Strategic emerging industries were first proposed in The State Council Strategic Emerging Industries Development Symposium in 2009, and then in 2010, The State Council’s Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries (hereinafter referred to as the Decision) was issued2021年7月18日 The "Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries" issued by the State Council on October 10, 2010 (No 32 [2010]) explicitly proposed to "speed up the establishment and the development of a trading system for major pollutants and carbon emissions," from whichChina National Carbon Market Environmental Defense 2010年10月10日 State Council’s decision on accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries Published on: October 10, 2010 Original title: 国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定 国发〔2010〕32号State Council’s decision on accelerating the cultivation and 2022年3月1日 In 2010, the Chinese central government promulgated “Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries (SEI),” followed by China's “Twelfth Five Year” National Strategic Emerging Industry (SEI) Development Plan that puts forward seven types of emerging industries and requires Connecting emerging industry and regional innovation system
Research on Policies of Chinese Strategic Emerging
2014年6月26日 technologies and emerging industries Accelerating the cultivation and development of emerging industries is major strategic decision of maintaining stable economic growth and promoting economic structural adjustments Governments play a guiding and supporting role in emerging industries’ cultivation and development Reference [12] verified the2015年1月1日 Accelerating the development of strategic emerging industries is essential for speeding up the transformation of China’s economic development pattern, enhancing the country’s international (PDF) Strategic Emerging Industries in China: 战略性新兴产业是引导未来经济社会发展的重要力量,加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业作为我国推进产业结构升级、加快经济发展方式转变的重大举措,对推进我国现代化建设具有重要战略意义。本文围绕“十四五”和 2035年战略性新兴产业的发展,系统分析了国际环境、发展趋势、国内产业现 新兴产业发展战略研究(2035) CAE2022年9月15日 2010, the State Council issued the “Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries” It dened the strategic emerging industries as technologyintensive, less material resource consumption and good comprehensive benefits industries, which are based on major development needs in China Therefore Evaluation of financing efficiency of strategic emerging
Development of NewEnergy Vehicles under the Carbon
2024年5月25日 the Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries, officially listing NEVs as one of the seven strategic emerging industries [22 emerging industries in 2010: the “Decision to Accelerate the Fostering and Development of the Strategic Emerging Industries by the State Council” It was in this document that China officially defined its first version of the “strategic emerging industries”, which closelyIndustrial Policy and the Rise of China’s Strategic 2020年11月4日 BEIJING China vows to boost the development of strategic emerging industries, according to the full text of the Communist Party of China Central Committee's development proposals made public on China underscores development of strategic emerging industries2016年7月30日 • Decision of the State Council on Temporarily Adjusting in the Pilot Free Trade Zones the Relevant Provisions of Administrative Regulations, Documents of the State Council and Ministerial Rules Approved by the State Council Plan of Work Division for Key Tasks of Several Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Building of an State Council Gazette Issue No 20 Serial No 1559 (July 20,
Connecting emerging industry and regional innovation
2022年3月1日 In 2010, the Chinese central government promulgated “Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries (SEI),” followed by China's “Twelfth Five Year” National Strategic Emerging Industry (SEI) Development Plan that puts forward seven types of emerging industries and requires 2019年12月9日 Avoid excessive intervention in market behavior and prevent redundant office park construction Encourage strategic emerging industries to gather around key functional platforms such as national new districts 9 Promote the open development of strategic emerging industries and expand new pathways to collaborationNational 13th FiveYear Plan for the Development of Strategic Emerging 2023年4月2日 The Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Fostering and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries (2010) defines them as knowledge and technologyintensive industries that employ less materials, promise huge potential and generate good returns They promote comprehensive and longterm development of the economy and society based Fostering Strategic Emerging Industries in the Context of 2023年1月17日 According to the Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries, strategic emerging industries, based on major technological breakthroughs and major Research on the efficiency evaluation of the
New energy vehicles in China: policies,
2012年3月3日 In order to help China adjust its economic structure toward resource savings and move in an environment friendly direction, and recognizing the strategic impacts of NEVs on the auto industry in the future, the State 2021年2月23日 The State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment and Improvement of a Green and Low Carbon Circular Development Economic System the proportion of green industries will be significantly increased, the level of green infrastructure and cleaner production will continue to rise, and the green transformation of CHINA ASSOCIATION OF CIRCULAR ECONOMY chinacace2014年1月12日 would help China to weather the storm In October 10, 2010, “Decision about accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries” was formally promulgated by Chinese State Council, opened the prologue of substantive development of strategic emerging industries in China It is necessary to provide aFocus on the Development of Strategic Emerging In order to deeply implement and practice the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee’s and State Council’s decisions and arrangements regarding doing good work on the “six stabilizes” 1 while normalizing epidemic prevention and control, to comprehensively implement the “six guarantees” 2 tasks, to expand policy deployment New Chinese Ambitions for ‘Strategic Emerging Industries,’ Translated
National and ProvincialLevel Scientific and Technological
2022年2月24日 Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries 46 The Center for Security and Emerging Technology within Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service provides decisionmakers with datadriven analysis on the security implications of emerging technologies2020年8月28日 Please list any fees and grants from, employment by, consultancy for, shared ownership in or any close relationship with, at any time over the preceding 36 months, any organisation whose interests may be affected by the publication of the responseStateled Financialization in China: The Case of the 2022年4月1日 In 2010,the State Council promulgated the "Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries", which clearly classified NE as a strategic emerging innovative industry in China and mainly develops NE industries such as solar photovoltaic energy, wind power energy, hydro energy Does venture capital stimulate the innovation of China's new 2018年1月25日 In 2006, The State Council issued the National Medium and Longterm Program for Science and Technology Development (2006–2020), in which biotechnology was one of the important development directions [2]In the same year, China issued the 11th “FiveYear Plan” for Bioindustry Development [3]In June 2009, Policies to Promote Quick Development of Bioindustry in China: An overview and perspective
Study on the Integration of Strategic Emerging
2024年1月23日 Strategic emerging industries; Modern service industry; Industrial integration; Input‐ output approach 1 Introduction The State Council issued the "On accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic Emerging Industries The Decision on Accelerating the Cultivatio n and Development of Strategic2022年3月4日 Literature review Strategic emerging industries were first proposed in The State Council Strategic Emerging Industries Development Symposium in 2009, and then in 2010, The State Council’s Decision on Strategic emerging industry layout based on 2023年2月19日 China’s State Council promulgated the ‘Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries’ (hereinafter refers to as the X Yang (B) X Gu Y Wang Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu , People’s Republic of China email: cathyscu@sina X Gu Y WangAn Empirical Study on the Technological Development 2023年5月5日 China's State Council has deliberated and adopted a guideline on accelerating the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, according to a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Qiang on Friday Work should be done to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, as well as the cultivation and China's State Council stresses accelerating development of
China to develop strategic emerging industries State Council
2021年3月5日 China will focus on the development of strategic emerging industries including information technology, biotech and new energy, according to the draft outline of the 14th fiveyear plan (20212025) for national economic and social development and the longrange objectives through the year 2035 unveiled on March 52016年12月19日 The State Council has issued a circular for the development of strategic emerging industries in the next five years New enterprises in the information technology, biology and new energy boomed during the 12th fiveyear plan period, gaining a competitive edge in the international marketChina issues plan to develop strategic emerging industriesStrategic emerging industries were first proposed in The State Council Strategic Emerging Industries Development Symposium in 2009, and then in 2010, The State Council’s Decision on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries (hereinafter referred to as the Decision) was issuedStrategic emerging industry layout based on analytic 2021年7月18日 The "Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries" issued by the State Council on October 10, 2010 (No 32 [2010]) explicitly proposed to "speed up the establishment and the development of a trading system for major pollutants and carbon emissions," from whichChina National Carbon Market Environmental Defense
State Council’s decision on accelerating the cultivation and
2010年10月10日 State Council’s decision on accelerating the cultivation and development of strategic emerging industries Published on: October 10, 2010 Original title: 国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定 国发〔2010〕32号2022年3月1日 In 2010, the Chinese central government promulgated “Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Industries (SEI),” followed by China's “Twelfth Five Year” National Strategic Emerging Industry (SEI) Development Plan that puts forward seven types of emerging industries and requires Connecting emerging industry and regional innovation system